My Work
Since all of my work is covered under a non-disclosure agreement, I cannot share specifics, sketches, or screenshots out of respect for my employer. However, I believe that the heart of User Experience work is the process, the story. So I’ve shared a few of my stories with you.
the Legacy
My first project of my UX career was arguably one of the most important and challenging, though I didn’t necessarily understand its impact at the time.
The Rescue
Not all projects go smoothly. I was brought onto a project with the release date and an anxious customer waiting. I had to act fast to get the project back on track.
On the Web
Some of the projects I’ve worked on are publicly highlighted online.
Role: I am the current lead UX Designer for this product. I oversee and create wireframes for all new enhancements to this product, both for the end user and the organizer. I was also the UX Front-End Developer for this product during my first several years at Ungerboeck.
Role: I am the current lead UX Designer for this product. I oversee and create wireframes for all new enhancements to this product, both for the end user and the membership managers.
Room Diagramming
Role: I designed the initial round of wireframes for this product, based on user input and competitor research. I also collaborated with the Visual Designer and Development Team to craft the first product iteration.
Online Space Booking - Order Processing
Role: I crafted the initial round of wireframes for the Order Processing component of this product after discussing high-level requirements and researching the market. After several iterations on the wireframes, I worked with Visual Design and Development to help bring it to life.
Registration Check-In
Role: I am the current lead UX Designer for this product. I oversee and create wireframes for all new enhancements to this product.
Conference Session Proposals
Role: I am the current lead UX Designer for the Session Proposals product. I oversee and create wireframes for all new enhancements to this product.